– Efficient scheduling, execution, and communication of vessel operation and logistics while in port.
– On board attendance and supervision of inspections and surveys.
– Efficient attendance to all vessel needs including crew matters (medical, crew changes, transportation, delivery of CTM, etc.), assistance with USCG matters, clearance and delivery of spare parts, assistance with needed repairs, hold cleaning, etc.
– In house Custom House Brokerage services in all US ports (air freight, ocean freight, AMS filing, in-bond clearance, formal/informal entries, etc.)
– Preparation of all required CBP documentation and formalities for entering and clearing vessels and cargoes with Government entities.
– Accurate and timely preparation of documentation and of Port Disbursement Accounts.
– Assistance in preparation of acceptable stowage plans for grain loading.
– eNOA/D services.
– Coordination of bunkering, cargo sampling, barge and rail movements.
– Assistance in contract negotiations for various services including barging, fleeting, stevedoring, towage, launch etc.